The success of social media has led to a new way of marketing. Together with search algorithms, it’s possible to achieve greater visibility with a higher quality. The great advantage of such networks is that, contrary to traditional strategies, advertising content is exposed to people who are genuinely interested in your product, improving the rate of conversion.
Social media can be harnessed for numerous endeavours, from promoting a product to capturing new customers, therefore it is critical to know your target audience inside out, in order to get the content just right.
There are also several tips that can help to improve your results.
Planning your marketing means creating a publishing strategy, something that engages your current customers and also serves to attract new followers. It is also vital to set goals and objectives, as this will allow you to analyse what is working and what not.
The virtual world turns lightning fast, so running out of new things to post on social media can weaken the link with your followers and undermine your marketing achievements.
It’s great to have lots of followers on internet, but the important thing is ultimately the conversion rate, i.e., how many people are going from followers to consumers of your product?
These results can be evaluated with certain tools that measure such parameters, allowing you to focus your efforts in the right place.
To increase the number of followers you have you must increase the visibility of your posts. Through sharing, ore people will have access to the post and some of them, your target audience, will start to follow you too, becoming a potential customer.
The impact of a post, no matter how simple, can be huge. However, responding to your followers builds greater trust for the brand, improving the company’s engagement with its audience.
Some things you publish will work better than others, but they will be forgotten about soon enough, given the high rate of posts. So it’s a good idea to reuse some of the posts that were a success, because they probably won’t have fulfilled their full potential in just a few minutes of stardom.
With these tips and a good marketing strategy, your business’ online positioning will improve. It’s important to be aware of all of the resources available to produce more attractive posts, with images, infographics, etc.
Evaluating the results is an important stage, given that one of the aims is to transform your followers’ clicks into potential customers. That’s what metrics—tools that let you calculate your followers’ behaviour—are for.
These tools monitor everything from the first click to the final purchase, providing the conversion rate and thus, showing which marketing strategies work best.
Social media is a reality of the digital age, we’re all connected. Thus, through careful planning, interaction, and monitoring of results, any business can leverage sales and improve its positioning on the internet.